17 February 2022
The Comics Art Museum, Brussels
CONSERVATION TALKS 2022: Big Research in Tiny Speeches
Conservation Talks: Big Research in Tiny Speeches is back for a second edition! This full-day conference focuses on academic conservation research conducted in Belgium, such as PhD and Master Thesis work. The concept is to give both conservation professionals and students the space to dynamically present their research in tiny, 10-minute speeches.
The day will include access to the museum and interactive session dedicated to meeting, to posters and samples viewing. Conservation Talks provide attendees with the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience in a supportive atmosphere.
15 september 2020, Cupper Café – Liège
AFTERWORK | Short films SHAKEstival
SHAKE’s Afterwork “Short Films Shakestival” is back for a third edition in Liege! Let’s meet to watch short films about conservation projects & case studies from different horizons. You will be able to vote to select the films that will be shown in 2 sessions of 30 minutes. In between you will have time to order drinks & food.
Colleagues are welcome for this cosy and free-entrance evening!
March 12, 2020 / March 13, 2020 - Brussels
WORKSHOP Condition Reports and Graphic Surveys on Digital Tablets
The aim of this one-day workshop, given in French by Nina Robin, is to introduce the conservator to various possibilities given by the use of digital tablets (iPad and Android) to achieve condition reports and graphic surveys.
The session will begin with the presentation of selected condition reports applications. The rest of the day will be spent discovering different graphic survey applications through practice. Then, many topics will be explored to communicate and localise the alterations observed on artworks, such as the creation and mastering of layers, the making of hatched or dotted areas, the insertion of figures and text and also how to customise tools and colour schemes.
Condition report:
- Horus Condition Report, Art Report: (both are French applications) to edit and archive condition reports.
- Adobe Fill & Sign, PDF Expert: to fill in forms in pdf format.
Graphic surveys:
- Autodesk Sketchbook: to achieve complex surveys step by step (illustration format, layers, figures and text insertion, texturised areas, customisation of tools and more…)
- Adobe Capture: creation of surveys backgrounds.
- Introduction to metric survey layouts with the application AutoCAD.
- Moldiv: a complementary application to rectify and reframe pictures. It can also be used to make before/after images of artworks.
> Its contents can be modified according to the expectations of the audience.
Nina Robin holds a master’s degree in painting conservation-restoration from the Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne. As an independent, she collaborates with various institutions and uses on a regular basis different applications to achieve condition reports and graphic surveys in ateliers or on wall painting conservation in situ working sites.
This event is not dedicated to condition report training: participants must already be familiar with the process.
An English version of this workshop should be organised in the fall 2020.
Nov 27, 2019
Via Via reiscafé - Wolstraat 43, 2000 Antwerp
AFTERWORK | Short films SHAKEstival
SHAKE’s Afterwork Short Films SHAKEstival is back for a second edition in Antwerp!
Let’s meet to watch a series of short films about conservation projects from different horizons. Short films featuring case studies of various specialisations are going to be shown through 2 sessions of 30 minutes. In between you will have time to order drinks & food at the bar. All colleagues and friends are welcome for this cosy and free-entrance evening!
October 24, 2019 / October 25, 2019 - University of Antwerp
Workshop Soft Particle Blasting
Soft particle blasting is a gentle dry cleaning method that can be applied to a wide variety of materials such as paper, parchment, wood, varnish, metal, glass,…
With sponges, erasers and microfibre cloths you often have the problem that you make the surface dull, scratches arise, or polished. You also rub parts of the dirt between the fibres and the fine pores. Particularly for filigree, fragile and brittle objects and materials, blasting with soft particles is very suitable. This technique developed at the school of conservation in Cologne (CICS) is already an established value in various specialisations of conservation-restoration.
This one-day workshop will give you a brief introduction to the technique and background. It will also provide an overview of possibilities that are already recognised within the conservation restoration and presents the first results on synthetic materials. In addition, participants can try out the technique on different materials. You are free to bring your own samples to test the cleaning method. Microscopes will be provided so you can study your test results.
Instructor: Maren Dümmler M.A., conservator
Supports: Ralph-Uwe Johann (Deffner & Johann, Schweinfurt, Germany)
University of Antwerp
May 13, 2019
Café des Minimes - Rue des Minimes 60, 1000 Brussels
AFTERWORK | Short films SHAKEstival
Let’s meet at our first afterwork to watch a series of short films about conservation projects from different horizons. Short films featuring case studies of various specialisations are going to be shown through 3 sessions of 30 minutes. In between you will have time to order drinks and/or food at the bar.
All colleagues and friends are welcome for this cosy and free-entrance evening!
Free entrance. Free projections but food and drinks at your own expense.
Films with English subtitles.
Mar 29, 2019
Café Leuven Central Margarethaplein 3, 3000 Leuven
Open Assembly 2019
You wish to share ideas about the future of SHAKE in Conservation? Come and brainstorm with us at our second Open Assembly!
This event will give you the opportunity to discuss in small groups on several topics such as:
- Development of informal meetings: beside our Open Assembly we want to create more opportunities to meet each other in an informal way. But what kind of informal meetings would you prefer? And how to organize those kinds of events?
-New topics for our next events: we already had several interesting workshops, with great success. But to keep it high leveled, we need to know what is needed in the field. In other words, what topics do you want to learn more about?
-Sharing on social networks: it is about online communication. Because we are a platform and want to connect people, it is a priority for us. What content do you want to receive/share? How to implement discussions? Is there something you miss on the platform?
> Free entrance but limited seats.
21-22 February 2019 – Brussels
WORKSHOP #3 Buffer Solutions: theory and kit preparation (English version)
During this two-day workshop, participants will be presented with theoretical and practical aspects of the buffer solutions used in the cleaning of artworks. Each participant will receive a kit including a selection of solutions to bring back to his/her workshop. This kit includes several bottles of solutions at three different pH (5,5 - 7 - 8,5), such as surfactant, chelator and thickener.
The theory will develop the methodology of these formulations for aqueous cleaning, their physicochemical mechanisms and a summary on acids and bases notions in order to explore the principle of buffer solutions. Moreover, some possible additives to these solutions will be mentioned. In order to perceive the application fields of these cleanings, some case studies will be reviewed in various specializations (such as sculpture, painting, ceramics and paper).
The practical part will provide the opportunity to put the theory into practice and to prepare a selection of buffer solutions.
Workshop given by Francisco Mederos-Henry, assisted bu Claire Dupuy. This workshop has been conceived alongside Cécile de Boulard.
Dec 10, 2018
Parc de la Boverie B-4020 Liège
Conservation Talks: Big research in tiny speeches
Want to know more about conservation research & theses in Belgium?
This event focuses on research in conservation from Belgium. It aims to gather heritage professionals & students around short presentations and interactive sessions about recent research and theses. Conservation Talks is an opportunity for conservators to get in touch, exchange and enrich their research/practice; and for students and young graduates to make a first step in the professional world and get a constructive input about their project.
10:00 // Welcome - coffee
10:30 // Introduction
10:40 // Session 1: Ethical reflection
Estelle De Bruyn | The sustainable storage and its perspectives for small-scale institutions (ENSAV La Cambre)
Negin Eisazadeh | Towards an Inclusive Approach to Built Heritage Values (ULiège / KU Leuven-PhD)
Annie Gilbert | All-ceramic hybrids: identification, thoughts and choices (ENSAV La Cambre)
Emilie Desbarax | Atypic conservation: Problematic of African paintings on flour sack (ESA Saint-Luc)
11:30 // Interactive session
12:00 // Lunch at “Madame Boverie” / Behind the scenes (guided tour of La Boverie)
13:30 // Session 2: Work-in-progress
Marianne Rochebeuf & Alexis Guillou | Study and conservation of an ancient polychrome wooden Egyptian coffin (ENSAV La Cambre)
Wivine Roland-Gosselin | Conservation-restoration treatment adapted to painted enamels; suitable material(s) and implementations for filling the lacks of enamel (ENSAV La Cambre)
Laure Malherbe | Use of 3D porcelain printing for the restoration of porcelain objects (ESA Saint-Luc)
Océane Magnier | Study of the adhesion of copper paintings, according to the procedures of the old treaties (ESA Saint-Luc)
Najma Bras | How to improve the internal and external transportation of works in La Cambre collection? Towards a loan policy? (ENSAV La Cambre)
14:00 // David Lainé | APROA-BRK Prize
14:10 // Session 3: Historical approach
Liesbeth Langouche | The use of clear window glass in Flanders in the 15th till 19th century (UAntwerpen-PhD)
Séverine Coibion | Study of the stability of Paraloid® B-72 used as varnish on oil paintings preserved in non-ideal conservation conditions (ESA Saint-Luc)
Emmanuelle Nsunda | René Magritte, practitioner: archaeometrical study of two artworks «La forêt» and «Le mariage de minuit» (ULiège)
14:45 // Interactive session
15:15 // Break
15:45 // Session 4: Technical solutions
Sophie Hawotte | Additive manufacturing technologies for heritage preservation and transmission. 3D printing available for the conservator (ENSAV La Cambre)
Isabelle Cuoco | A reversible alternative for the gap-filling on glass fiber reinforced polyester artefacts: a case study (ESA Saint-Luc)
Laura Guilluy | The mechanical behavior of new synthetics adhesives for the re-joining of panel paintings, comparative study of ParaloidTM B-72, ParaloidTM B-44, ParaloidTM B-48 and their mixtures (ENSAV La Cambre)
Clémence Jacqmin | Retouching unvarnished acrylic emulsion paintings: a comparative study of suitable retouching materials (ENSAV La Cambre)
16:45 // Caitlin Southwick | SiC - Sustainability in Conservation
17:00 // Interactive session
17:30 // Conclusion - End
Conservation Talks is organised by SHAKE in Conservation with the support of La Boverie and the Echevinat de la Culture de la Ville de Liège and the collaboration of the conservation departments of ENSAV La Cambre, ESA Saint-Luc Liège and UAntwerpen.
Oct 18, 2018
ESA Saint-Luc Liège - 41, bd de la Constitution B-4020 LIEGE
WORKSHOP #2 Spectral Imaging
The workshop will focus on the current Spectral Imaging technology used in active and preventive art conservation. Multispectral imaging is a non-invasive analysis technique, useful both prior to or during intervention, in a wide range of specialization fields. Among others, it allows to make invisible features (such as under-drawings) visible, and the identification and mapping of constitutive materials.
Its basic principles, applications, operation methods and efficiency will be introduced and demonstrated by the scientist Prof. Vassilis Papadakis and the conservator António Cardoso of XpectralTEK. Potential applications on cultural heritage will be presented from real case studies, with a hands-on session on different materials like paintings, paper, glass, ceramics.
XpectralTEK is a company with focus on imaging diagnostic, creating tools to assist professionals in their daily work. This event is sponsored by EU funding and supported by Ecole Supérieure des Arts Saint-Luc, Liège.
May 02, 2018
Rue de Praetere 18, B-1050 Brussels
WORKSHOP #1 Buffer Solutions
3-4 May 2018 | Workshop #1 Solutions Tampons
FR | Ce workshop de deux jours, donné en français, proposera aux participants une partie théorique et une partie pratique sur les solutions tampons utilisées dans le nettoyage des oeuvres d'art. Les participants repartiront avec un kit de base comprenant une sélection de solutions pour leur atelier. Workshop présenté par Cécile de Boulard, assisté par Claire Dupuy.
ENG | During this two-days workshop given in French, participants will be presented with theoretical and practical aspects of the buffer solutions used in the cleaning of artworks. Each participant will receive a kit including a selection of solutions to bring back at his/her workshop. Workshop presented by Cécile de Boulard, assisted by Claire Dupuy.
Please note that the language of instruction is French, an English version will be organized as soon as possible
Détails en français ici // Details in English here
Feb 23, 2018
Café Leuven Central, 3 Margarethaplein B-3000 Leuven
Open Assembly
You wish to share ideas and participate in the future of SHAKE in Conservation? Come and brainstorm with us at our first Open Assembly!
This event will give you the opportunity to discuss in small groups on several topics such as development of events, participative management, sharing tools, and others.
Dec 06, 2017
L’USINE, 40 Rue du Doyenné / Dekenijstraat B-1180 Brussels
LET'S MEET! Launching Event
18h30 // Welcome
18h45 // SHAKE in Conservation: Introduction
19h00 // Talks: Lost in Conservation
Karen Bonne | Skeletons in the Cupboard – Restoring Ensor
Nico Broers | Lost in Thought: The Role of Education and Research in Conservation-Restoration
Rodolphe Lambert & Laureline Steinier | First I was Lost. A Collaborative Restoration of Marble Sculptures
19h30 // Discussion and Tips & Tricks
Participative session of information exchanges, questions, discussion on short problematics
// Food & drinks //
Jun 03, 2017
General assembly